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It is quite rare these days to see one company linking to another with a 'DoFollow' link that actually passes Page Rank (or 'reputation' in the eyes of search engines like Google, Bing, etc.). Normally most companies decide to 'NoFollow' all of their outbound links which means that even though you can see them on the page, search engines treat them like they don't exist.

We don't think that's fair or right. If you are going to link to another website then make it a proper 'DoFollow' link and pass along some reputation with the link.

So with that in mind, please find below a selection of companies and websites that have really impressed us over the last 15+ years. We have found them extremely useful and we think you just might too.

General snippets and useful things...

The Code Project - Free source code for most programming languages plus examples

W3 Schools - Amazing collection of info for developers - The ultimate resource for anyone working with ASP

Microsoft - Visual studio products, download free copies of different visual studio express packages

Microsoft - MSDN Microsoft developer website

Microsoft - TechNet if you want to know anything technical about any Microsoft product you'll find it here

PHP freaks - Brilliant site for anyone working with PHP

Install Aware - Excellent install builder, its what we use!

ConfuserEx - A fantastic tool for code obfuscation