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ArchiverFS - Release Notes For v3.x

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Full release notes for each build since v3.0.

To assist our customers better we will be including release notes for the most recent versions of ArchiverFS on this page for easy centralized reference.

Version 3.x

Version 3.479913 (24/01/2024)

1) Moved to the .Net Framework 4.8 for long term support.

2) Changes to the setup routine to resolve an issue when installing on a machine that is not a member of an Active Directory domain.

3) Added ability to export\import the global extensions list to\from a file.

Version 3.479911 (01/01/2024)

1) Significant speed increase for both Archive and Maintenance jobs due to improved permission evaluation and replication logic.

2) Added a dependency on the SQLExpress service if SQLExpress is being used for the configuration or reporting databases.

3) Added extra error handling logic to the Maintenance job to ensure any errors are caught and recorded in the log file regardless of the source.

Version 3.479910 (22/12/2024)

1) Added new Run Summary screen for easy reference to Archive job run history.

2) Minor performance improvements to the Maintenance job.

Version 3.479909 (27/11/2024)

1) Changes to the error handling to reduce the number of recorded error messages.

2) Minumum valid date function changed to only check either last accessed or last modified, depending on the option chosen for each specific Archive Job.

3) Maintenance Job will now log a 'notifications sucessfully sent' message to the application log to help diagnose issues when sending notifications.

Version 3.479908 (21/11/2024)

1) Minor UI Fixes.

2) Fixed a bug that could cause the live scan section of the Maintenance job to scan directories even if the path is longer than the configured maximum length.

3) Updated the Maintenance job logic to persist the directory structure when moving removed files to the chosen recycle destination.

Version 3.479907 (18/11/2024)

1) Introduced 'minimum valid date', default to 1st Jan 1980. Controllable through registry key.

2) Fixed a minor bug that could cause ArchiverFS to try and create destination directories even if they wouldn't be valid. i.e. path longer that Windows maximum length.

3) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Maintenance job from running when clicking 'Run Now'.

Version 3.479905 (01/10/2024)

1) Minor UI changes, fixing slight misalignment and layout issues.

2) Added a timeout to sendmail requests when sending job notifications.

Version 3.479904 (27/09/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause unselected files types to be archived if the "Archive All File Types Not In The File Types List" option is selected.

2) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Maintenance Job from sending notifications.

3) Performance improvements for both Archive Jobs and the Maintenance Job due to increased permission evaluation efficiency.

Version 3.479903 (15/09/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Maintenance Job from syncronising permissions.

2) Changed the way pre and post job tasks are queued, previously pre or post job task that took to long could cause the ArchiverFSJobEngine service to crash.

Version 3.479900 (12/07/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Archive All File Types option from working as intended.

Version 3.479899 (17/06/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause static non-inherited permissions to replicate to archived files incorrectly.

Version 3.479898 (08/05/2024)

1) Further changes to long path support, please see the User Guide for details.

Version 3.479896 (25/04/2024)

1) Further changes to long path support, please see the User Guide for details.

Version 3.479895 (13/04/2024)

1) Added behaviur that will return files over the max windows path length to the live system if long path support is disabled.

Version 3.479894 (17/03/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the list of scheduled jobs on the main UI from updating.
2) Added extra checkes to detect if the local machines clock has one out of sync during a job and mitigate any issues arising from this.
3) Minor optimisations for the Maintenance job, resulting in a slight reduction of utilisation and increase in speed when scanning the live file system.

Version 3.479893 (17/02/2024)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent a file from being re-tried at the end of a job if it initially failed due to a network interuption.
2) Changed the behaviour of the 'Archive all files' option. Now archives all file types unless they have been exceluded in the file list.
3) Minor optimisations for the Maintenance job, resulting in a slight reduction of utilisation and increase in speed when scanning the live file system.

Version 3.479892 (05/12/2023)

1) Improved error reporting when starting job if a live location cannot be accessed.
2) Several small performance improvements for the Maintenance Job.

Version 3.479891 (09/11/2023)

1) Fixed and issue that could prevent files being returned to the live system if they are open and in use.
2) Fixed an issue that could prevent an Archive Job persisting file and folder permissions.

Version 3.47989 (22/10/2023)

1) Completely revised the archiving logic to maximise performance, archiving speed and reduce disk IO.

Version 3.47988 (31/08/2023)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause the software to revert to local SQL Express after an upgrade is performed when a custom SQL server has been specified.

Version 3.47987 (01/07/2023)

1) Minor changes to the information logged when in debug mode to better track program execution.

Version 3.47986 (19/05/2023)

1) Reworked the Archive Job source code to increase performance, should result in a 5%->8% increase in throughput.

Version 3.47985 (2/04/2023)

1) Improvements made to the way symlinks with an invalid target are handled by Archive Jobs.
2) Fixed a bug that could cause the selected row to change when the list of Scheduled jobs in the main UI was refreshed.

Version 3.47984 (09/01/2023)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause the total size of the files archived by a job to be incorrect.
2) Small reduction in the IO used by Archive Jobs.

Version 3.47983 (24/12/2022)

1) Fixed 'Access Denied' messages that could occur when archiving to a destination that doesn't fully support the same permissions as the live system.
2) Small performance improvements for Archive Jobs.

Version 3.47982 (19/12/2022)

1) Fixed a bug in the Permission Reset utility.

Version 3.47981 (09/12/2022)

1) Improved compatability with QNAP NAS devices.

Version 3.47980 (17/10/2022)

1) Fix for a reported permission\ownership replication issue when running on Windows Server 2022
2) Users can now choose a folder that isn't empty as the target of an Archive job if MLtek Support have specifically advised it is ok to do so. This function is used when re-creating a previous job after the softwares configuration has been lost e.g. no backups available and ArchiverFS has been uninstalled with the option to 'remove the configuration database' selected.

Version 3.47979 (02/09/2022)

1) Copy and Move Jobs will now include .lnk files if 'All File Types' is selected.
2) Small performance improvement for Archive jobs.

Version 3.47978 (18/07/2022)

1) Added the ability to choose if empty folders should be copied when running an Archive Job.
2) Slight reduction in memory used by the Maintenance Job.

Version 3.47977 (05/07/2022)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the 'Run Now' button on the Maintenance Job options page from working.

Version 3.47976 (30/04/2022)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent permissions replicating properly to archived folders the first time an Archive Job is run.
2) Minor Archive Job performance improvements.

Version 3.47975 (24/02/2022)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause the last modified timestamp on folders to change when files were archived from them.
2) Improvements to the way permissions are persisted on archived files to better handle several edge case scenarios.
3) Several small performance improvements.

Version 3.47974 (08/12/2021)

1) Internal Release.

Version 3.47973 (01/11/2021)

1) Added the ability to disable specific sources when editing an archive job.
2) Various minor changes and code improvements.

Version 3.47972 (28/07/2021)

1) Added an option to run the Maintenance job monthly.

Version 3.47971 (23/07/2021)

1) Logging for the Maintenance job has been changed to be asynchronous to match the logging used for Archive jobs. This may result in increased performance and decreased runtimes for the Maintenance job as it did with Archive jobs.

Version 3.47970 (16/07/2021)

1) Small change to the temporary file handling logic introduced in 3.47967 as not all files that begin with a '~' were being detected.

Version 3.47969 (03/07/2021)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent symlinks for temporary files being deleted when using the 'Delete links that point to non-existent archived files' Maintenance job option.

Version 3.47968 (29/06/2021)

1) Added the ability to specify a specific file type to return to the Return Archived Files utility.

Version 3.47967 (24/06/2021)

1) Extended the archiving logic to consider files whose name starts with a '~' as a temporary file in addition to those with the 'temporary' file attribute set.
2) Added official support for using your own custom SQL server instead of SQL Express, see the new 'Custom DB Location' folder that is now included with the install zip file.
3) Fixed a bug that could prevent file level exclusions applying to certain files.

Version 3.47966 (16/06/2021)

1) Reworked multiple sections of the Graveyard Job logic, fixing an issue that could prevent files being graveyarded.
2) Added the ability to specify if you want a Graveyard Job to use the Last Accessed or Last Modified timestamp.

Version 3.47965 (25/05/2021)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause a job not to run if it is launched with the Run Now function and a minimum file size is specified for that job.

Version 3.47964 (03/05/2021)

1) Added the ability to specify a specific file type when returning files with the Return Archived Files utility.
2) Added the ability to specify that any links a job creates in the live file system should be marked as Read-Only
3) Reduced the typical write IO of an Archive job by around 5% resulting in faster and more efficient archiving.
4) Reduced the typical write IO of the Maintenance Job by up to 15%. This should result in a significant reduction in the runtime of the Maintenance Job for all users.

Version 3.47963 (06/04/2021)

1) Restructured the log files for archive jobs to make integration with external log search solutions easier e.g. Elastic Search.
2) Added options to control how temporary files are handled.
3) Resized the job edit screen as the bottom was getting cut off on lower resolution screens.

Version 3.47962 (11/03/2021)

1) Improved how the Creater\Owner property of files and folders is persisted to resolve a reported issue.

Version 3.47961 (23/01/2021)

1) Internal release.

Version 3.47960 (18/01/2020)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Migrate Archived Files utility from starting correctly.

Version 3.47959 (16/12/2020)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the 'last run' timestamp for the Maintenance job updating.
2) The install package will no longer look for a local SQL Express instance if the configuration and reporting DB's have been moved to a remote SQL instance.
3) New 'MaxPathLengthIfLongPathDisabled' registry key introduced to allow fine tuning of the maximum path lengths ArchiverFS will process with long path support disabled.
4) Files that have been archived with path lengths over the 'MaxPathLengthIfLongPathDisabled' value but under the Windows MAX_PATH limit will be automatically returned to the live file system.
5) Fuzzy logic introduced to help the Maintenance job when matching symlinks to archived files if multi-replica DFS storage on Windows 2019 server is used for archive storage.

Version 3.47958 (13/11/2020)

1) 'TestRun' feature reworked and changed to 'Pre-Scan', it is now a lot easier to use the feature to obtain estimates of the amount of data to be archived before deciding on the appropriate licensing and archive storage options.
2) Jobs running with the Pre-Scan option enabled won't hit the 100 file limit for Free\Trial licenses.
3) Small performance enhancements made to archive jobs.

Version 3.47957 (19/10/2020)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent all the files in a folder being archived when the Folder Keywords feature was being used.
2) Fixed a bug that could prevent the Maintenance job from running when the Run Now button was clicked.

Version 3.47956 (16/10/2020)

1) Added the ability to disable a job with a single checkbox.
2) Increased the ‘Return if used in the last xx days’ Maintenance job setting from -99 days to -999 days.
3) The user account the service is using will now be added to the ACL of each top level archive folder to help ensure the service has sufficient permisisons to archive destinations.

Version 3.47955 (01/09/2020)

1) Overhaul of the job scheduling engine to better handle and report any issues encountered when launching jobs.
2) Added a status section to the Maintenance job options screen to show if the Maintenance job is running, and if so what it is currently doing.

Version 3.47954 (01/07/2020)

1) Complete rewrite of the IO handling engine resulting in better performance and decreased IO during Archive and Maintenance jobs.
2) The Maintenance job will now only syncronise permissions on archive folders if permission sync is enabled on thier associated archive job.
3) 'Persist Audit Entries' setting added to the options for Archive jobs, leaving this disabled enhances compatability with non-Windows storage devices like EMC VNX storage arrays.
4) Fixed a bug that could cause permissions not to be persisted when using the Migration Utility.

Version 3.47953 (02/03/2020)

1) Changed the way file locks are requested when dealing with Symlinks to increase performance, reduce the number of locks requested and increase compatability with some AV programs.

Version 3.47952 (26/02/2020)

1) Archive jobs will now retry to validate symlinks after creation if the first attempt fails because another process has obtained an exclusive lock on the symlink e.g. AntiVirus software.

Version 3.47951 (23/02/2020)

1) Asynchronous logging introduced for archive jobs.
2) Files that fail to archive due to an 'Unexpected Network Error' will be automatically retried at the end of the job.

Version 3.47950 (15/02/2020)

1) Added the ability to specify specific days of the week on which the maintenance job is to run.

Version 3.47949 (14/02/2020)

1) Added timestamps to every log file entry.
2) Added CPU Thread ID to the start of each log file.

Version 3.47948 (12/02/2020)

1) Improvements to the way permissions are persisted when files are returned to the live file system from non-Windows based archive storage e.g. Amazon Storage Gateway.
2) Added a new setting for the Maintenance Job that allows you to control how far back it will look to judge if an archived file has been used recently and should be returned to the live file system.
3) Improvements to the 'Return Archived Files' utility.

Version 3.47947 (15/01/2020)

1) Reworked the Maintenance Job to provide a significant increase in performance when processing large file system changes.
2) Added a new final job status of 'Cancelled' in addition to 'Success' and 'Errors'.

Version 3.47946 (07/01/2020)

1) Further improvements to error handling logic, this time relating to the migration of files to archive storage.

Version 3.47945 (04/01/2020)

1) Reworked a section of error handling logic relating to the creation and testing of Symlinks.

Version 3.47944 (22/12/2019)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause a job to complete with a status of 'Success' even if an archive was offline.
2) Changed the way that lists of log files are sorted to ensure they sort by timestamp.
3) Fixed a bug on the Pre\Post job tasks screen which was causing 'Post' job tasks to initially display as 'Pre' job tasks upon creation.

Version 3.47943 (17/12/2019)

1) Added a hard wired exclusion for folders called 'System Volume Information'.

Version 3.47942 (04/12/2019)

1) Added the ability to rename archive jobs.
2) Small changes to the log files for archive jobs to enable the capture of more information regarding errors without needing to enable 'detailed' logs.
3) Numerous improvements to the 'Return Archived Files' utility.
4) A small performance increase for the maintenance job resulting in a 2->3% reduction in runtime.

Version 3.47941 (22/11/2019)

1) Added a hard wired exclusion for Thumbs.db files.

Version 3.4794 (15/11/2019)

1) Added the ability to enable or disable the archiving of executable file types when the 'Archive All File Types' option has been selected..

Version 3.4793 (24/10/2019)

1) Improved the handling of permission errors when archiving files from the live file system.
2) Added the new 'Permission Reset Utility' which can be used to scan log files for files or folder ArchiverFS couldn't access, then reset the permissions on them on-mass.

Version 3.4792 (3/10/2019)

1) Added the ability to disable the syncing of permissions when archiving.
2) Improved the detection of shortcuts that point to non-existent archived files.
3) Fixed a small bug in the UI relating to the file extension check boxes.
4) Re-built for the .Net Framework 4.6.2

Version 3.4791 (27/09/2019)

1) Added 'Rename Archived Files' function to the Maintenance Job to rename archived files if their link in the live system has been renamed.
2) Fixed a bug that could cause an error to be thrown on the New Job screen if a weekly schedule was selected without selecting any days.
3) Fixed a bug that could prevent the adding of multiple pre\post job tasks.
4) Significant re-working of the Maintenance Job's logic, which could in certain circumstances significantly reduce the time the Live Scan section of the logic takes.
5) Fixed a typo on the Edit Archive Job screen.

Version 3.479 (10/09/2019)

1) Significant reduction in CPU usage when statistics collection for reporting is enabled.

Version 3.478 (21/06/2019)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause the maintenance job to search the live file system even if there are no missing links.
2) Several enhancements made to the migration utility.

Version 3.477 (31/05/2019)

1) Added Best Efforts Security option to the job edit screen.
2) Added the ability to specify a per job maximum errors value.
3) Added support for specifying a recycle folder where files can be placed instead of being deleted by the maintenance job.

Version 3.476 (12/04/2019)

1) Fixed an issue that could cause Graveyard jobs not to run.
2) Fixed an issue that could cause selected file types to not be processed when archiving.

Version 3.475 (21/03/2019)

1) Fixed a bug that could in very specific circumstances, cause a folder to be created instead of a symbolic link when the Maintenance job recreates a link an end user deleted.

Version 3.474 (27/02/2019)

1) Fixed a message that could repeat in the maintenance jobs log file on each run if users had renamed a folder in the live file system.
2) Fixed a problem that could cause log files not to be sent out along with email based notifications.

Version 3.473 (13/02/2019)

1) Added the option to prevent a job inheriting entries from the Global File Types list.
2) Fixed an error that appeared when using the 'Migrate Archived File's utility.

Version 3.472 (06/02/2019)

1) Graveyard jobs no longer count towards the total number of jobs for licencing purposes.
2) Fixed a spurious error message that could appear in the Windows event log if a notification could not be sent when a job completes.

Version 3.471 (13/01/2019)

1) Statistics collection for reporting moved into the main service, the reporting service has been removed.
2) Performance enhancements for archiving jobs.
3) The licence screen will now restart the main service automatically when applying a new licence.

Version 3.47 (09/01/2019)

1) Enabled the archiving of executable file types if the 'Archive All File Types' option is disabled and the desired extensions are added to the file types list.
2) Added the ability to specify a default email address on the notifications screen which will auto-populate job setup screens.
3) Changed the default selection on the new archive job setup screen to be 'Move (Per File Hard\Symbolic Links)'.
4) Add ‘select all’ and ‘deselect all’ to extensions screens.
5) Corrected incorrect text on a pop up message related to the file extensions screen.
6) Renamed the different job actions to make them clearer.
7) Minor performance enhancements for both archive jobs and the maintenance job.

Version 3.4699 (02/01/2018)

1) Reworked DFSR compatibility to overcome a limitation which prevented the use of a DFSR folder as the destination for an archive job.

Version 3.4698 (20/12/2018)

1) Fixed a bug in the maintenance job logic that could cause an migrated file to be purged if its seamless link is renamed without the link being moved to a new folder.

Version 3.4697 (20/11/2018)

1) Added support for *.* file based exclusions, please see the user guide for more information.

Version 3.4696 (13/11/2018)

1) Fixed a small bug in the maintenance job logic when auto-relocating archived files.
2) When archive job logging is set to 'detailed' information will be recorded regarding any files that couldn't be archived due to long paths.

Version 3.4695 (30/10/2018)

1) Additional tidy up logic added to handle situations where files fail to fully migrate.

Version 3.4694 (25/10/2018)

1) Complete re-write of the Maintenance job resulting in a significant performance increase.
2) Numerous changes to all jobs to better handle long paths.

Version 3.4693 (19/10/2018)

1) Fixed a bug that could prevent the 'Return Recently Created Files' function from working.
2) Added extra error handling to the Archiving jobs.
3) Changed the 'Delete Empty Folders' option to ignore shortcuts.
4) Added extra logging items to the Maintenance jobs 'Debug' logging mode.

Version 3.469 (27/09/2018)

1) Logging levels are now set on a per job basis instead of globally.
2) New logging level called 'Simple' introduced.

Version 3.468 (21/09/2018)

1) Changed a warning to a prompt for a yes or no response to enable archiving to a share with a $ in it's name, if it is not actually an admin share.
2) Fixed a display bug with the 'Edit Job' screen that would cause it to display smaller than it should be and hide the 'Save' and 'Close' buttons.

Version 3.467 (06/09/2018)

1) Resolved a localisation issue with the Return Utility that could cause an error to be thrown when selecting files to return.

Version 3.466 (01/08/2018)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause de-duplicated files not to be considered for archiving.

Version 3.465 (22/07/2018)

1) Added 'remove links pointing to invalid\missing targets' feature to support archiving to Amazon Glacier.

Version 3.464 (15/07/2018)

1) Fixed a problem that was causing the reporting service to repeatedly log an error to the Windows event log.

Version 3.463 (26/05/2018)

1) Improved the way jobs handle a destination going offline during a job due to a network outage or other issue.
2) Restricted the 'Delete Empty Folders' function to only work within the scope of the 'Folder Levels' function if it is in use.
3) Updated the Windows long path compatibility settings.

Version 3.462 (29/04/2018)

1) Fixed an error that could occur when creating seamless links. Windows would return a Win32 -2146893818 error code.

Version 3.461 (20/03/2018)

1) Fixed a problem with spurious error messages in the maintenance logs.
2) Added the ability to specify the number of levels deep in the file system a job must go before it can start archiving files.

Version 3.460 (06/02/2018)

1) Include the ability to specify folders to process based on key phrases in their name.
2) Include the ability to email maintenance job log files.
3) Improve the handling of odd (double or triple) extensions
4) Fix instability issue with subscription licences.
5) Improved detection and handling of hardlink creation issues.
6) Completely overhaul archiving engine for improved performance, reduced IO and lower cpu usage

Version 3.459 (15/12/2017)

1) Fixed a crash that could occur with debug logging mode enabled.

Version 3.458 (20/10/2017)

1) Fixed a bug that could cause the main service to stop when processing files with double extensions and long names.

Version 3.457 (06/10/2017)

1) Fixed incorrect text in a small number of log messages.
2) Fixed a bug that could caused the main service to stop if a trial licence is being used.

Version 3.456 (22/09/2017)

1) Files processed when test running a job will no longer count towards the limits on a subscription licence.
2) Resolved an issue the maintenance job was having with a long paths.

Version 3.455 (14/09/2017)

1) Fixed an issue with the maintenance job whereby it can fail to move a file to a new location if a copy of the file already exists.
2) Fixed an issue with copy jobs not re-copying files if they have been modified.
3) Implemented several enhancements that will cut the length of time the maintenance job takes to complete.
4) Fixed an issue that may on occasion cause the main service to stop.
5) Changed the way that files are counted in the job statistics. .Lnk files will no longer count towards the total files checked.
6) Implemented several improvements to the main service logic that should result in slightly reduced CPU and memory usage.

Version 3.454 (25/08/2017)

1) Resolved an issue with a small number of cyrillic characters when used in file names.
2) Improved the handling of Creator Owner permissions.

Version 3.453 (11/08/2017)

1) Maintenance job can now be set to verify shortcut\stub file times against their associated files to ensure they match.
2) Added extra debugging logic.

Version 3.452 (31/07/2017)

1) Fixed an issue with the maintenance job not re-organising files to reflect changes in the live file system.
2) Resolved an issue with .compiled file types.
3) Improved the way permissions are persisted in certain edge case scenarios.

Version 3.451 (03/07/2017)

1) Fixed a memory leak when using Windows shortcuts (.lnk files) as links.
2) Various performance enhancements.
3) Renamed main service to 'ArchiverFSJobEngine'.
4) Added logic to the main UI to check if the main service is installed when it is opened, and if not to install it.

Version 3.450 (17/06/2017)

1) Fixed an issue with some subscription licences being limited to 100 files processed per run of a job.
2) Enhancements to the job engine to better handle unexpected situations, and to utilise native OS level long path support under Windows Server 2016\Windows 10.

Version 3.449 (13/06/2017)

1) Fixed several benign error messages that would appear in the maintenance job's log file which related to issues accessing long paths.

Version 3.448 (26/05/2017)

1) Minor improvements to the configuration database setup part of the install routine.
2) Removed the last 32 bit library and compiled for native 64 bit

Version 3.447 (02/05/2017)

1) Changes to the Graveyard logic to improve the Graveyard job process.
2) Resolved an issue with the livescan part of the Maintenance Job trying to parse network Recycle Bin folders.

Version 3.446 *CRITICAL UPDATE* (26/04/2017)

1) Fixes a potential issue with open file handles on large volumes once the software has been running for an extended period.

Version 3.445 (07/04/2017)

1) Several UI tweaks and small fixes.

Version 3.444 (25/03/2017)

1) Limited release.

Version 3.443 (14/03/2017)

1) Improved the handling of .pif files.
2) Added extra logic to work around a shortcut already existing when one is created.
3) Added exclusions for "\$RECYCLE.BIN\" and "\RECYCLER\".

Version 3.442 (07/03/2017)

1) Improved the handling of .Cab files
2) Added a default exclusion for "\$Recycle.bin\"

Version 3.441 (04/03/2017)

1) Several minor changes and the deployment of a new licencing engine that supports subscription based licences.

Version 3.440 (20/02/2017)

1) Fixed an issue with the 'New Job' wizard that could result in destination paths not being properly calculated.

Version 3.439 (16/02/2017)

1) Changed the logic used to apply exclusions to include the ability to exclude files as well as folders.

Version 3.438 (09/02/2017)

1) Amended the maintenance job logic so that files users accidentally create in second tier storage will be returned to the live file system

Version 3.437 (07/02/2017)

1) Fixed an issue that occurs when processing .com files.

Version 3.436 (04/02/2017)

1) Fixed an issue that occures when processing DOS based .exe files.

Version 3.435 (30/01/2017)

1) Enhanced the self healing logic in the maintenance job.

Version 3.434 (12/01/2017)

1) Fixed an issue that could cause shortcuts to not create properly on Windows 2012 R2, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
2) Adding self healing logic to the maintenance job. It can now detect and automatically repair corrupt shortcuts.

Version 3.433 (03/01/2017)

1) Full code signing introduced
2) Minor changes to the reporting UI.

Version 3.432 (20/12/2016)

1) Significant reduction in the Reporting Services CPU usage
2) Re-packaged install routine and signed assemblies to reduce AV false positives.

Version 3.431 (12/12/2016)

1) Changes made to the installation routine to better handle situations where SQL Express hasn't been installed when the installation routine is run.

Version 3.430 (03/12/2016)

1) Complete re-write of all Symbolic Link functionality. Addresses issues with timestamps not being displayed on file system Symbolic Links as well as other minor issues.

Version 3.429 (30/11/2016)

1) Added an option to the maintenance options screen to choose if last accessed or last modified date should be used when working out if a file has been used by an end user and if it should subsequently be returned.

Version 3.428 (11/11/2016)

1) Fixed an issue with Hard Link creation on a small number of systems..

Version 3.427

1) Improved compatibility with Windows 2012 file De-Duplication. De-Duplicated files will now be processed as normal files, rather than being skipped.

2) Set the Maintenance Job to re-create missing links\shortcuts by default. Also provided the option of instead setting the maintenance job to delete processed files when their links\shortcuts cannot be located.

Version 3.426 (17/10/2016)

1) Set Maintenance Job to use last accessed date instead of last modified when assessing files for return to the live file system. Also added a registry key that can be used to revert back to the previous behavior.

Version 3.425 (24/09/2016)

1) Removed the block on migrating files from hidden shares and replaced it with a warning message.

Version 3.423 (20/05/2016)

1) Fixed an issue with shortcut based links on Windows 2012, 2008 and 2003.

Version 3.422 (03/02/2016)

1) Fix deployed for the DB setup part of the install routine. On non-English or Chinese Versions of the installation the routine would crash with an error referencing 'BUILTIN\Users'.

Version 3.421 (10/06/2016)

1) Native Chinese UI.

Version 3.420 (05/09/2015)

1) Added supoort for a new Registry key called "MaxErrors". This lets you alter the number of errors jobs will tolerate before exiting. Please contact before using this new feature.

Version 3.419 (25/02/2015)

1) Additional logic revising the way long and short paths are handled

Version 3.418

1) Added logic to restrict the use of Long Path syntax on Hard Links to only files with long paths.

Version 3.417

1) Significant changes to the job engine to provide very long path support (up to 32,000 characters) for Copy jobs, Move jobs and jobs using Seamless\Hard Links.
2) Additional functionality added to the Maintenance Job in support of very long path functionality

3) Additional functionality added to the Migration Utility in support of very long path functionality

Version 3.416

1) Improvements made to the 'Migrate Files' utility, fixed an issue where a job could complete but the log would be empty.

Version 3.414

1) Logging enhanced for the 'Migrate Files' utility.

Version 3.413

1) Change made to the behavior of the maintenance job. Instead of purging files whose links/shortcuts cannot be located, the shortcuts will now be re-created.
2) Extra checks added to jobs when creating hard links.

Version 3.412

1) Fixed a bug in the test run function which could cause it to not run as expected.

Version 3.411

1) Minimum requirement for SQL is now 2008 R2 Express for new users. This does not affect existing users.

Version 3.410

1)Fixed an issue which could cause a corruption of saved paths upon server reboot.

Version 3.409

1)Fix a bug when removing job specific exclusions.

Version 3.408

1)Minor change to the UI.

Version 3.407

1)Fixed an issue which could cause an access denied messaged to be encountered when processing certain types of files.

Version 3.406

1) Fixed a bug which prevented the removal of a notification email address from a graveyard job.

Version 3.405

1) Minor changes to the UI
2) Added extra debugging code to diagnose an issue with Graveyard jobs

Version 3.403

1) Fixed an issue with the configuration database that could cause an exception error to be thrown when opening the UI
2) Fixed an issue with the installer that could prevent installation on some 32bit systems

Version 3.402

1) Fixed a minor bug when adding paths to the list of job sources
2) Tidied up module references
3) Removed 64bit requirement from installation package.

Version 3.401

1) Added support for multiple jobs that target the same folder(s) in the live file system.

Version 3.4

1) Numerous changes to the job engine including performance enhancements and extension of the log file system to support the reporting feature.
2) First release of the reporting feature.
3) Recompiled and optimized for the .Net Framework 4 and 64bit processors.


1) Added the 'Best Efforts Security' feature to extend support to NAS devices and non-windows storage systems.
2) Fixed a bug on the 'Job Specific Exclusions' window that could prevent the browse button working.
3) Revised several parts of the job logic to improve performance.


1) Fixed an error that could be encountered when editing a saved job.


1) Fixed an error that could be encountered when editing a saved job.


1) Added support for partial paths in both global and job specific exclusions.


1) Changed the logic that is used to migrate files as part of an job. Now files should retain all their attributes, included their extended ones.


1) Fixed a bug that could prevent file size criteria from applying properly during jobs
2) Changed the engine and UI to work with file sizes in KB instead of Bytes.

Version 3.3.9

1) Fixed an issue that could prevent the maintenance job running to completion.
2) Fix an issues that can cause an error message to be thrown when editing a scheduled job.

Version 3.3.8

1)Minor revision to the maintenance job logic.

Version 3.3.7

1) Maintenance job logic tweaked.

Version 3.3.6

1) Run now function added to the maintenance job screen.
2) Changes made to the maintenance job logs and how they are stored.
3) Maintenance job logs now viewable from the maintenance job screen.
4) Maintenance job logic significantly overhauled.

Version 3.3.5

1) Added the ability to specify file sizes when setting file processing criteria.
2) Fixed a bug that could cause the maintenance job to fail and the AMJobEngine service to go off-line.

Version 3.3.4

1) Fixed a bug that could cause an error to be thrown when opening log files with no log file selected.

Version 3.3.3

1) Last modified and last accessed dates are persisted when files are processed.
2) Changes made to the logic in the return utility to ensure last accessed and last modified dates are persisted.

Version 3.27

1) Further enhanced the debug mode logging.
2) Changed the behavior of a job when the destination folder does not exist.

Version 3.26

1) Fixed a problem with the Close button on the Return Utility main form not working.
2) Added additional DB integrity checks on service start up.
3) Added debug logging mode.

Version 3.24

1) Added the ability to specify per job file type handling rules.
2) Added code to gracefully handle startup situations where the SQLEXPRESS service has not started in a timely fashion.
3) Various minor tweaks and code changes.

Version 3.21

1) Installation package changed to ensure it is being run with administrative rights.
2) Fixed a bug that could cause the maintenance job to terminate prematurely
3) Resolved an issue that could cause a "Mathematical Operation" error message to appear in a jobs log for every processed file.

Version 3.02

1) Several small tweaks to the job logic.
2) Current item now displayed for each running job.

Version 3.01

1) Job logic re-written to move files more efficiently. If you set up and run a job set to copy files (as a 'test' job) and subsequently change it to move files, the files that have already been copied will be used as a basis for the job following the change. This saves the files from being re-copied all over again.

Version 3.0

1) Initial release, significant work on the job engine to make use of Hard Link functionality.